For centuries, contacts between the Black and the Baltic seas were intensive and resulted in fascinating outcomes. This relatonship had an important contributon to the history of the whole Europe. Rediscovery of this rich heritage requires a stronger emphasis on the North-South axis in the European history and culture. Today, this legacy can serve as an important source of inspiraton for the enhancement of cooperaton between the Black Sea and Baltc Sea. Read the report “From the Vikings to the EU. The Baltic and the Black Sea cities as drivers of European integration”.
In recent years relatonships between the EU and the Black Sea have intensifed despite a rising instability in the region which was caused mostly by Russia’s neo-imperial policy. The Baltic Sea countries play a crucial role in the approximaton between the Black Sea region and the EU.
The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) launched cooperaton with the Organizaton of the Black Sea Economic Cooperaton (BSEC). However, the Baltic cites are also actvely engaged in cooperaton with the Black Sea Region through European institutons (the European Commitee of the Regions, in partcular). Although the Baltc cites signed many twin/sister city agreements with the Black Sea partners, there is stll large room for improvement in regards to cooperaton in bilateral and multilateral formats.
The report was prepared thanks to support of cities: