
WiseEuropa and Horizon2020

Since its creation in 2013, WiseEuropa has been working with public and private institutions in Poland and beyond including the World Bank, European Commission and business entities. WiseEuropa participated in 7th Framework Program’s DYNAMIX – Decoupling growth from resource use and its environmental impacts (http://dynamix-project.eu/) and is currently part of Horizon 2020’s RIPPLES consortium within “Pathways towards the decarbonisation and resilience of the European economy in the timeframe 2030-2050 and beyond” Horizon2020 call.

While conducting Polish and international research projects, WiseEuropa has been making the most of its quantitative and qualitative research toolkit working regularly with government on designing and assessing public policies. This included WiseEuropa experts’ participation in works of internal government committees focusing on selected, sectoral policies.

WiseEuropa has accordingly a major dissemination and outreach capacity both in Poland and Brussels  presenting research findings and facilitating discussions among policymakers, business, researches and media during public and behind-closed-doors events.

WiseEuropa experts are regular contributors to opinion media in Poland  and internationally and the organization has a major network the Central and Eastern Europe. WiseEuropa works with its international partners through the European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (www.enepri.org), European Policy Institutes Network (http://www.epin.org/new/index.php), Climate-KIC (http://www.climate-kic.org/) and Vision 2020 The Horizon Network (http://2020visionnetwork.eu/).

WiseEuropa provides a result-oriented, timely and responsive culture of work to meet requirements of international projects.

WiseEuropa has capacity to contribute to H2020 projects in following fields:

  • Climate action, clean energy, and energy efficiency
  • Sustainable transport
  • Circular economy and management of natural resources
  • Digital / innovation policies
  • Smart & sustainable cities
  • Trade policies, transatlantic relations
  • Europe’s relations with Asia & Pacific
  • Migration challenges

Key WiseEuropa H2020 competence include:

  • Macroeconomic modelling using large-scale DSGE and DCGE models. Key advantages: large complexity (many sectors and/or countries) combined with fully dynamic and stochastic modelling framework presenting short-, medium- and long-term macroeconomic impacts including climate, energy and environmental policies as well as labor market, fiscal stance and economic growth. Modelling both top-down policy instruments and bottom-up investment efforts.
  • Development of quantitative assessment tools for various sectors, including energy, manufacturing, transportation, mining, finances and ICT. Applications stretch both from ex-ante to ex-post assessment of public policies and business strategic choices.
  • Socio-economic data analysis, on both macro- and micro-level based on broad range of econometric methods applied to areas of sustainable development, circular economy, energy and climate policy.
  • Qualitative socio-economic assessment of public policy, innovative technologies, labour market and business models (sociological, institutional etc.).
  • Combining perspectives on climate, energy and environmental issues, including assessment of economic viability of decarbonisation, circular economy, macroeconomic, social inclusion and inequalities, and labor market impacts, local development opportunities related to low-carbon economy.
  • Good orientation in the political economy of international trade, including economic, political, social and strategic dimensions of the world’s main regional or bilateral trade agreements (e.g. TPP, NAFTA, TTIP and other deals negotiated by the EU) as well as the monitoring of WTO and G20 activities.
  • In-depth knowledge of international relations in particular regions outside Europe (including Middle East, Central Asia, Asia-Pacific and Latin America), with special focus on the EU’s economic and political relations with those regions.
  • Deep understanding and involvement in public debate on abovementioned policies in the EU with particular focus on Poland and Central and Eastern Europe

WiseEuropa H2020 expertise includes:

  1. Participation in the 7th Framework Program’s Dynamix project (http://dynamix-project.eu/) in which WiseEuropa prepared qualitative social assessment and quantitative economic modelling of the policy mix for resource efficiency. Using DSGE MEWA model potential resource efficiency policies were analyzed, including green tax reform. The policy mixes were also qualitatively assessed from the social perspective (i.e. inequalities, health, labour market impacts).
  2. WiseEuropa will contribute to the database of national transition scenarios for NDCs and 2°C/1.5°C pathways within H2020’s RIPPLES project (call: “Pathways towards the decarbonisation and resilience of the European economy in the timeframe 2030-2050 and beyond”) by providing scenarios for Poland. WiseEuropa will also conduct quantitative macroeconomic modelling using a DSGE model MEWA, focusing on carbon leakage risks and assessment of alternative financing strategies for low-carbon investments. One of the project meetings is to be held by WiseEuropa in Warsaw.

Other WiseEuropa expertise includes:


Wojciech Białożyt
Managing Directror
e. wojciech.bialozyt@wise-europa.eu
t. +48 506 646 189