

A failed test in planning. Assessment by WiseEuropa experts

On 30 April the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) was adopted by the Council of Ministers and on 3 May it was submitted to the European Commission (EC). The Commission now has two months to assess the Polish RRP. The assessment criteria set out in the Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility will allow the Commission to verify not only whether the RRP enables the recovery of the development potential lost due to the pandemic, but also whether the measures supported by the RRP will allow the economy to withstand future challenges, such as the climate change and the digital transformation.

The text submitted by Poland to the Commission differs considerably from the draft presented in February for public consultation. Many comments submitted by social partners, including WiseEuropa experts, have been taken into account. However, most of the strategic shortcomings of the plan which we identified in March 2021 in the publication titled “Navigating without a compass” based on an analysis of the draft RRP draft remain unaddressed in the submitted version of the document.

Below we present an assessment of whether and to what extent the cross-cutting and sectorial comments submitted by WiseEuropa, have been taken into account in the final version of the document released on 30 April. The Annex presents detailed justification of the assessment.
