On 20 March 2024, during the Polish Climate Congress, the WiseEuropa Foundation was honoured with the Energy Transition Leader 2024 award.

The ELEVATE Research Exchange Programme aims at enabling early and mid-career researchers, from within or outside the consortium, to visit one of the ELEVATE partner institutions and have the opportunity to interact with people from different cultural and educational backgrounds.

Energy transition, rising inflation and transport exclusion of non-metropolitan areas are the main topics that WiseEuropa experts analyzed in 2022. In the “Activity Review 2022”, we present a summary of

On 16 March 2023, during the Polish Climate Congress, the WiseEuropa Foundation was honoured with the Energy Transition Leader 2023 award.

The first part covers overarching measures, encompassing many sectors and multiple financial tools. The second parts provides sectoral insights. We focus on policies and projects that relate to energy transition

Support for Euroscepticism in the EU is stimulated by a wide scope of various social, economic, political, and cultural factors. However, they often shape Eurosceptic moods differently in each EU

Support for Euroscepticism in the EU is stimulated by a wide scope of social, economic, political, and cultural factors. They often shape Eurosceptic moods differently in each EU member state.

The first part covers overarching measures, encompassing many sectors and multiple financial tools. The second parts provides sectoral insights. We focus on policies and projects that relate to energy transition and climate action.

Підтримка та прихильність польського суспільства до української справи є однозначною. Водночас ми повинні пам’ятати, які великі виклики постає перед Польщею в таких практичних сферах, як ринок праці, освіта, охорона здоров’я

The support and commitment of Polish society to the Ukrainian cause is unequivocal. At the same time, we must remember how big challenges await Poland in such practical spheres as the labor market,