The ELEVATE Research Exchange Programme aims at enabling early and mid-career researchers, from within or outside the consortium, to visit one of the ELEVATE partner institutions and have the opportunity to interact with people from different cultural and educational backgrounds.
Target Participants
Early and mid-career researchers from within or outside the ELEVATE consortium with a keen interest in developing and assessing climate policy-relevant pathways in line with the Paris Agreement goals, as well as evaluating the impacts of different ways to formulate net-zero goals and climate uncertainty. Other over-arching issues include climate justice, governance, behavioural changes, and sustainable development.
Exchange Programme Regulations
The ELEVATE project has planned for up to 10 exchanges, of a minimum period of 2 months and a maximum period of 4 months.
Priority will be given to exchanges between non-European and European institutions.
We kindly request that the candidates make prior contact with the potential host institution (see the list of ELEVATE partners) in order to enquire their availability and establish a plan for the research activities to be conducted during the exchange. Each application will be evaluated by the Capacity Building and Communication Board. Applicants will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible.