RenovAID report: Conclusions from Stakeholder Consultations on the Most Prevalent Issues & Barriers in the Buildings Sector

The purpose of this report is to contribute to the ongoing efforts of the RenovAID project to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in Kosovo and Albania.

Status of policy frameworks for increasing energy efficiency in buildings

Buildings are a crucial focus in the energy transition due to their already high share in energy consumption, rapidly growing global floor area, longevity of buildings, heating and cooling infrastructure.


Report about new EU energy market model set out in the recent Energy Market Design (EMD) reform proposal.

Facilitating Socially Just Carbon Pricing Policies in Central and Eastern Europe

Project “Just Carbon Pricing” aims to strengthen the knowledge base on carbon pricing for mobility and heating across Europe, in particular Poland and Romania.

The ELEVATE Research Exchange Programme

The ELEVATE Research Exchange Programme aims at enabling early and mid-career researchers, from within or outside the consortium, to visit one of the ELEVATE partner institutions and have the opportunity to interact with people from different cultural and educational backgrounds.


Failure to come up with an idea for socially responsible decarbonisation of the transportation sector poses a threat of worsening the living conditions of those residing outside metropolitan areas and the competitiveness of those areas.

Putting the ETS 2 and Social Climate Fund to Work

In early 2023, the EU passed landmark legislation establishing a new emissions trading system (ETS) for the buildings and road transport sectors – the ETS 2 – which is to be accompanied by a new Social Climate Fund.

The “CCUS in Central and Eastern Europe” workshop conducted as part of the CSLF meeting

On 14 June 2023, the “CCUS in Central and Eastern Europe” workshop, co-organised by the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the WiseEuropa Foundation, took place in Warsaw. The workshop was an extension of the periodic meeting held by the technical group as part of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF).

CCS4CEE: Study trip to Norway

At the end of June 2023, the CCS4CEE project hosted a study trip by project partners and a group of stakeholders from Central and Eastern Europe.
