
Report „United Business for Ukraine – Sustainable Reconstruction of Ukraine”

Ukraine’s path to reconstruction – and our role in supporting it – requires a special focus on long-term sustainable development. Both civil society and the private sector have a very important role to play.

The report is an initiative of the UN Global Compact Network Poland and the United Nations Office for Project Services. Its premiere took place during this year’s PRECOP 28 conference preceding the UN COP28 Climate Summit. The report describes in detail the needs and opportunities related to the issue of sustainable reconstruction in Ukraine. It also points out the challenges Russia’s invasion is causing in a number of key economic and social areas.

The authors of the chapter “Ukraine’s energy transformation: decoupling from fossil fuels and Russia” are Maciej Bukowski, Krzysztof Kobyłka and Marianna Sobkiewicz

Ukraine, after regaining independence in 1991, chose the pattern of energy policies of other post-soviet states. They were characterized by higher energy intensity and lower productivity of their economies than Western and Central European Members of the EU. This was not entirely a deliberate choice. The decades of shared Soviet legacy, inherited infrastructure and production chains contributed to this. This is why the recommendations presented in the chapter for Ukraine’s energy transition are so important. They have been analyzed based on 5 key pillars: strategic approach, European integration, increasing energy efficiency, rebuilding infrastructure, and efficient spending of public funds.
