The report ‘Citizens rich in resources’ was prepared by a team from the demosEUROPA foundation – Centre for European Strategy and Fridtjof Nansen Institute, including Krzysztof Blusz, Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg and Paweł Zerka (ed.). The concept of the macroeconomic research and the Resources Efficient Development Index have been implemented in association with Warsaw Institute for Economic Studies.
The Poles are becoming richer, however not in resources. For the last 10 years, Poland has converged with the EU in terms of average GDP per capita. Yet it is still far behind the EU regarding the effects of natural resources management, which are measured by the effectiveness of raw materials use, energy efficiency and recycling, among others.
The report ‘Citizens rich in resources’ contains the analysis of the Polish system of natural resources management, as well as foundings of the macroeconomic study comparing Poland with other European countries in terms of resource-efficient development. We presented foreign ‘good practices’ in that regard; moreover we formulated recommendations for reforms that would allow Poland to manage natural resources in a coherent, strategic and sustainable way.