We pointlessly ‘product’ miners. Where will they work when the mines are phased-out? Polish mining is in a very deep economic trouble and it needs restructuring to survive. We estimate that the reduction of employment and an increase in use of machinery in production has to reach 50 pct. Half of all workers must be laid off, they may, however, look for jobs in modern industries – such conclusions can be drawn from the online debate, organised by ChronmyKlimat.pl.
‘In Poland, coal production per employee is 700 tonnes. In the world, these indicators are much higher. They are three times greater in Great Britain and two times greater in a profitable Bogdanka mine. In the US, one employee extracts 2.5 thousand tonnes on average. Good economical situation is only possible if these indicators are on the rise. If the Polish mining industry is to survive, it needs restructuring in a few years ‘, says Maciej Bukowski, the President of Warsaw Institute for Economic Studies.