The Emergence of New States in Eastern Europe – Lesson for the Entire Europe (TENSE) is a project that focuses on the nation-building processes after 1918 in Eastern Europe. It will increase the knowledge in the region about common features of the processes presenting them as a system of communicating vessels but also showing differences between them and placing them in a wider European context. This project shows how important is a knowledge about the course of events in 1918 in Eastern Europe because it impacts on all European citizens, especially from Western Europe.
To achieve those goals, it was decided to establish a consortium gathering various actors from Eastern Europe varying from local administration through think-tanks and academia up to journals that will publish a report and series of articles on the post – First World War nation-building processes in Eastern Europe and their relevance for current Europe. It will be organized an open debate with some local experts, scientific and journalists activation at the field of the project. Preparation series of publication at widely-known and European-oriented journals that are available in the scale of the whole EU. To connect European experts focused on the nation-building processes and to enrich their researches about a regional impact in their home countries by the European context of these events and many common points. And finally, to create a scientific-network, impacting the public debate in the EU, also, in a later period after the project’s finalization.
Thanks to open debates and audience-activated events, graphic exhibitions and series of articles, many people from all over the EU countries and also from the Eastern partnerships will have an access to all benefits that the project gives. Moreover, the organized public debates for students, academics, journalists, think tankers and social activists, will be stimulated and upgraded on the better level of a knowledge and understanding of the common European heritage.
The leader of the project is a think-tank WiseEuropa, however, the partner institutions that are in charge to accomplish the activities are Latvijas Arpolitikas Instituts in Riga (Latvia), Porin Kaupunki in Pori (Finland), Tallinna Tehnikaulikool in Tallinn (Estonia), Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas in Kaunas (Lithuania) and also Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe in Wroclaw (Poland).
The project is financed with the support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.