
SEnECA Midterm Conference and Scenario Workshop “EU and Central Asia Relations: Current Trends and Future Prospects”

WiseEuropa, as part of the consortium, attended the SEnECA Midterm Conference and Scenario Workshop “EU and Central Asia Relations: Current Trends and Future Prospects” in Almaty, Kazakhstan (29th – 31st January 2019).

SEnECA – Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia relations is the project financed by the European Union within the framework of Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. This project aims at improving research cooperation and at strengthening capacities in research and policy advice in the EU and Central Asia, having recognised the importance of Central Asia for Europe. Led by the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Institut für Europäische Politik the international consortium has the objective to map and analyse the relations between the two regions in order to make recommendations to stakeholders on future research cooperation, policies and communication.

This Midterm Conference was the opportunity for the consortium to assess the progress made within the project. Papers 1 to 9 that include the mapping of EU-Central Asia, Central Asia-Asian powers and Central Asia-Great Powers (USA, China, Russia) security and political, economic and cultural relations are already available on SEnECA’s website. Similarly, the research database is open both for registration and consultation, here. In the following weeks, Papers 10 to 12 – concerning analysis of EU-Central Asia security and political, economic as well as cultural relations – will be published. Accordingly, two background papers on the current state of affairs on Central Asian Studies in Europe and European Studies in Central Asia are expected to be delivered in spring 2019. Finally, at the end of this year, the consortium recommendations regarding the future of EU-Central Asia relations will be issued and distributed.

Apart internal meetings, SEnECA’s Midterm conference in Almaty was also the opportunity to attend two high-level panel discussions. One concerned the current trends and on the future prospects of EU-Central Asia relations. The second one reflected on socio-economic and cultural links between the EU and Central Asia. Debates proved to be engaging thanks to the quality of the speakers and the efficient participation of the public audience. In addition, dynamic scenario workshops were organized and involved many prominent experts both from European and Central Asian countries. The diversity of the scenarios discussed – alternatively pessimistic and optimistic, depending on areas – shows that this region is in a constant and uncertain evolution. As such, it was found out that a comprehensive and realistic European strategy has to be implemented in order to improve our relations and our understanding of this essential region. In this regard, 2019 could be an important year for the EU-Central Asia relations as the EU is supposed to implement its new strategy towards the Central Asia.

For WiseEuropa Central Asia represents multiple possibilities of partnerships for the EU and its Member States in a multitude of areas. As such, WiseEuropa is looking forward to producing within the consortium recommendations regarding EU-Central Asia economic and cultural relations. WiseEuropa hopes to contribute actively to the strengthening and the energizing of EU-Central Asian relations on the long term and through a coherent strategy. Both the EU and Central Asia could benefit from well-developed and multi-thematic relations.

Upcoming SEnECA events include the rendez-vous in Brussels to discuss future events with the organisation of a photo exhibition (April 4th-5th) and of our final Conference (November 2019). More information will be available soon on SEnECA’s website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
