H2020’s COP21 RIPPLES meeting in Warsaw

Meeting of partners and stakeholders of COP21: Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies (RIPPLES) took place in Warsaw on 25-26 April. WiseEuropa, Climate Strategies and The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations were the hosts of the event.

H2020’s SEnECA Networking Conference in Riga

The 1st Networking Conference and Review Workshop of the project Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations (SEnECA) took place in Riga, Latvia, 17 – 19 April 2018. WiseEuropa is one of the project partners.

EU-Central Asia relations: WiseEuropa takes part in the H2020’s SEnECA project

Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia relations – SEnECA project has just started officially. WiseEuropa is one of the project partners.

Start of the Horizon 2020 project COP21 RIPPLES

December marks the start of Horizon 2020 project COP 21 RIPPLES (“COP21 Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies”). WiseEuropa is a part of a project consortium led by IDDRI.
