The following article is the second of WISE Policy Paper series and concerns possible directions of education reform that should be pursued in order to adjust the current system to the coming ICT shock and robotization of many occupations.
Teaching methods designed over 100 years ago are not suitable for the world we are living in. More and more often knowledge acquired during education (university education including) is not being used later at work. The system that is forcing students onto one pattern is wasting their potential and the teacher’s abilities. The review of modern methods, required skills and problems with education reform we conducted allows for pointing out several areas where changes are needed. One has to remember that reforms cannot be introduced the way it used to be done until now. Large overhauls of the whole education system, not backed by prior research offer no opportunities to predict their effect and to choose the best methods. Here it is important to diversify schools in order to allow different units to emerge – fitted to different needs of students and at the same time able to experiment with varying ways of teaching.