
New Policy Paper: Tracking climate-related investments and finance flows. Implications of the EU Taxonomy.

Sustainable finance taxonomy and national climate strategies can often work to complement each other by bringing national contexts to provisions outlined in a classification system. Such a synergy offers a useful input to the climate finance and investment tracking studies and creates an important basis for further discussions on the investment gap associated with the low-carbon transition.

The aim of this paper is to discuss the challenge associated with the identification of investments that can be accounted as low-carbon activities. The focus has been put on the EU , as in the near future it will have to be assessed to what extent this emerging tool can be useful for the implementation of the Landscape methodology. It presents the added value of linking countries’ climate strategies with investment landscapes and offers further recommendations regarding solutions that help to reduce the gap between current financial structures and the objectives of the national low-emission transition.

The paper has been published as a result of the discussion during the conference “Destination 2050: developing long-term climate strategy for Poland” which was organized by WiseEuropa on 26 June in Warsaw, Poland. It was held as a joint event of two projects supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI): Climate Recon 2050 and Landscape of Climate Finance. The meeting in Warsaw attracted Polish and European experts in the field of low-carbon transformation, representatives of public administration, business and non-governmental organizations.
