WiseEuropa participated in the #EngageEU project, which lasted from september 2018 until september 2019, as one of the four partners coming from: Germany (the Institut für Europäische Politik), France (Centre international de formation européenne), Brussels (the Europe-wide Trans European Policy Studies Association) and Poland (WiseEuropa). The project was co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.
Within the project there were organized a few events to collect and consult ideas regarding the future of the European Union. Young Citizens from all around Europe were invited to discuss youth relevant topics and ideas in four #YoungCitizens’FutureLabs aiming to lending them as strong and loud voice in the election campaign in the run-up to the elections in 2019. After this consultation process, the collected ideas and demands were discussed at #YoungCitizens’Conventions with a broad public and also with decision makers. The developed ideas were summarised in Manifesto which were addressed to the new elected Members of European Parliament after the elections.
As part of a long-term participatory project for young people #EngagEU, the EngageEU future manifesto was developed by the Berlin Institut für Europäische Politik e.V. together with partner institutions. The manifesto was issued a few weeks before the European Parliament elections in May 2019. The ideas developed are the result of discussions with over 500 young citizens from over 23 EU Member States and the Western Balkans.
WiseEuropa as one of the project’s partner conducted the following activities within this project:
• On March 4, 2019, WiseEuropa organized the debate entitled “Elections to the European Parliament and competition for influence in Central and Eastern Europe between Russia and the European Union” to familiarize and engage Polish and international audiences with the Eastern dimension of the European Union external policy. Following questions were put up and discussed by experts and citizens during the debate: What are the young people’s insights and ideas in the Eastern dimension of the EU external policy? What issues would be, in the opinion of young people, the subject of Parliament’s special attention in the next term of office? What could improve the identification of young citizens with Europe?
The debate was proceeded by three dedicated workshops that gathered younger audience.
• As a follow up an additional workshop entitled “European elections: Implications for the European Union” was held in Warsaw on June 6, 2019.
All the events served the purpose of gathering the views and feedbacks of the citizens, youth in particular, with regards to the Eastern dimension of the EU policies.
• WiseEuropa took also part in the #2ndYoungCitizensConvention in Brussels.
The events engaged 117 eligible participants directly. Announcements (social media, websites) concerning the events reached (were displayed by) ca. 100 thousand social media users (80 thousand generated thanks to the partnership with the University of Warsaw).
More informations about the project’s activities you may find under below