Polsko niemieckie stosunki dwustronne i ich wpływ na wspólną politykę europejską to motyw przewodni German-Polish European Blog. Comiesięczne odsłony bloga przygotowuje WiseEuropa, we współpracy z Fundacją im. Heinricha Bölla w Warszawie.
On 21-22 July in Paris, Climate-KIC gathered together partners and experts to discuss new climate innovation opportunities for the urban environment. Aleksander Śniegocki, WiseEuropa Energy and Climate Project Manager, participating in this meeting.
The aim of the workshop was to co-create innovation projects for the Urban Transitions theme. Several exciting project ideas were developed and consortia formed as a result. The workshop attracted over seventy Partners and guests from across Europe. They met to explore innovative concepts and project ideas focused on the urban environment and on lowering GHG emissions from buildings and across citie
There was a high level of energy and sense of purpose from this vibrant group of innovators. Together they identified over twenty-five innovation and interventions at building, district, and city scale. These will now be further developed to contribute to the high priority projects for additional Climate-KIC support in the second half of 2016. Project ideas included:
- Scaling up the retrofitting of buildings by including district level benefits, exploiting open data platforms that bring stakeholders together to overcome barriers, and enriching the business case
- Improving the operational performance of buildings through improved ‘human-building interfaces that simplify control and engage users
- Developing tools and capacity for the urban transition such as cooperative models that support creating affordable high quality sustainable living space and ‘demand management’ tools and services for utilities to help manage peaks and to understand their carbon footprint
The information above is a part of the Climate-KIC official news.
To read more, please visit the Climate-KIC website.
Foto by Climate-KIC