WiseEuropa has started realization of new evaluation project. This time it was The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) that commissioned the evaluation, and it will cover selected operations of The Innovative Economy Operational Programme (PO IG) that was implemented in the financial perspective of 2007 – 2013.
The analysis of PO IG selected operations at the sectoral and macroeconomic level with the aid of interbranch model is another research project that PARP undertakes to evaluate their own activities under The Innovative Economy Operational Programme. The project implemented by WiseEuropa focuses on the analysis of the effects that are considerably more difficult to observe.
In the course of the study, the existing data will be analysed and the macroeconomic modelling will be conducted, as well as the qualitative study with the participation of the PO IG beneficiaries and macroeconomic experts. At this stage, a VESPA model, i.e. the Verifiable European Structural Policy Assessment, will be employed. VESPA is an authorial tool developed by WiseEuropa, and constructed specifically for multidimensional assessment of the impact of intervention carried out under the EU programmes.
Even though it was The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development has commissioned the study, its findings will be utilized also by other agencies implementing and managing the next Operational Programme — Smart Growth, implemented in the financial perspective of 2014-2020. Apart from PARP, these agencies are: the Ministry of Development, the Monitoring Committee for Smart Growth Operational Programme and the economic and social partners.
The analysis of PO IG selected operations at the sectoral and macroeconomic level with the aid of interbranch model is a third evaluation programme that WiseEuropa began this year. Recently, the evaluation research has started under the project “The impact of cohesion policy for 2007 – 2013 on the competitiveness of enterprises and the development of entrepreneurship in Poland” that has been commissioned by The Ministry of Development, as well as the project “The ex post assessment of Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007 – 2013”, conducted for the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region.
At WiseEuropa the project is led by Olga Mazurowska, Project Manager for Social Research and Evaluation.
The project is co-financed by the European Union through The European Regional Development Fund
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