
German-Polish European Dialogue

We present the publication “German-Polish European Dialogue”, which summarizes the texts posted on the German-Polish European Blog, run by WiseEuropa since June 2017.

The publication is a collection of texts written by outstanding experts on international politics, economics and European integration. The texts were originally posted on the German-Polish European Blog, run by WiseEuropa with the cooperation of Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw.

Main topics of our publication concern Polish-German relations, European politics, EU integration, institutional reforms, Brexit, migration crisis as well as EU-Russia relations.

The authors of German-Polish European Blog posts are:

Barbara Kunz, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) in Paris, France

Andrzej Byrt, the former Polish ambassador to Germany (1995-2001, 2002-2006) and France (2014-2016).

Marcin Kędzierski, the Centre of Analysis of the Jagiellonian Club in Cracow, Poland

Jana Puglierin, The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin, Germany

prof. Klaus Bachmann, SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland

prof. Józef Niżnik, Polish Academy of Sciences

Adam Bodnar, Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland (VII term)

Kai Olaf Lang, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin, Germany

prof. Marek Cichocki, Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland

Josef Janning, European Council on Foreign Relatons in Berlin, Germany

Ernest Wyciszkiewicz, Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding in Warsaw, Poland

Gabriele Freitag, German Associaton for East European Studies in Berlin, Germany.

Edition: Adam Balcer Foreign Policy Project Manager
