Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Central European democratic revolutions and the 15th anniversary of their accession to the European Union the project was implemented within the program „Europe for citizens’ (strand European remembrance).
The main idea of this project was to increase knowledge and consciousness among European citizens about what happened in Europe after 1989 – the year of democratic revival of the Central and Eastern Europe. Six different organizations representing both Central and Western Europe worked together in order to provide narrative and improve understanding of the political and social processes which happened in Central Europe in the 1990s and the 2000s.
By showing this European story of unification between Eastern and Western parts to the project underlined the reasons and the objectives of Central European countries’ adhesion to the EU. This mutual understanding about our European heritage appears particularly important in current times of political divisions. This project made sure to involve as much as possible the citizens, including youth, through a direct participation and the setting-up of debates between them and in relation with practitioners and academic experts. Events located in Gdansk, Prague, Budapest, Berlin and Brussels (online/hybrid due to COVID-19) as well as the dissemination of a high-quality documentar contributed greatly to the objective of the project to reach and engage a wide European audience.
Below we present reports from all events and the link to the documentary:
A premiere of documentary movie – EUritage from 1989 to 2004: Lessons for today’s Europe
The Legacy of 1956, 1989 and 2004 from the Perspective of 2021 in Hungary